Study Tips

Should I Start Studying Now for the CPA Exam?

In a word, yes, you should begin to study. And yes, the Certified Public Accountant Exam is changing, but that’s not a reason to put off studying. If you want to become a CPA, stop procrastinating and start today. The CPA Exam went through some pretty significant changes. One of those changes won’t be immediately [...]

CPA Exam Guy2024-02-23T18:49:43-08:00

4 Tips for the CPA Exam Simulations on Test Day

The CPA Exam Simulations are notoriously difficult for every section. There’s plenty of myths out there concerning these simulation questions. This is especially true with regard to which section features the most difficult versions. In reality, the most difficult sims are the ones you don’t prepare for enough. And whichever section is your weakest section, [...]

CPA Exam Guy2024-02-21T21:51:19-08:00

3 Best Motivational Movies Before Studying

Need a break from studying for the CPA exam and need some additional motivation for after your break? Watch one of these three movies to help inspire you to greatness. We all need a break sometimes, whether it’s to avoid burnout, to rejuvenate, to get a fresh perspective, or to find some motivation. This is [...]

CPA Exam Guy2024-02-22T23:40:31-08:00

How To Become a CPA: Step by Step Guide

Becoming a CPA requires a big time investment and careful planning. CPA candidates must meet specific education requirements, and also document any accounting work experience. You should understand what is tested on the CPA exam and how the test is administered through test centers. Use these tips to become a CPA.

CPA Exam Guy2023-05-27T00:00:01-07:00

4 Easy Ways to Increase Your CPA Exam Scores

I know plenty of accountants that have failed the CPA Exam by just a few points. This is the worst feeling because you know you almost passed. But almost only counts in horseshoes or hand grenades: not with NASBA or the AICPA! Therefore, if you’re pretty close to a passing score, you only need a [...]

CPA Exam Guy2024-02-22T22:18:19-08:00

Scheduling Your CPA Exams: Do’s and Don’ts

When discussing strategies and insights for the CPA exam, each individual has their own unique experience. As you have most likely learned during college and while preparing for the CPA exam, time management is critical, both in regards to testing windows and in other aspects of life. Hence, if you don't know the best strategy [...]

CPA Exam Guy2024-02-22T23:14:56-08:00
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