There are many different learning styles, but students typically fall into one of three categories. It’s very important to know what learning style works best for you, especially when looking into what CPA test prep course to take.
Studies have shown that students get higher test scores when they match their test prep course to their learning style, allowing them to retain knowledge effectively through conducive study habits. If you’re curious about the different types of learning styles and multiple intelligences, keep reading:
See the Top CPA Review Courses
- Becker CPA Review Course ◄◄ #1 Rated CPA Prep Course of 2025
- Surgent CPA Prep Course ◄◄ Best Adaptive Technology
- Gleim CPA Review Course ◄◄ Most Practice Questions
What’s Your Learning Style?
Can you identify your learning style? Check out the three main learning styles below to see which one relates the most to you.
Visual learners grasp concepts best through visual aids. You may be a visual learner if you prefer to interact with the world through your eyes or through reading/writing. These type of learners tend to forget names while remembering faces. Visual learners obviously have a knack for anything visual, including spelling, design, and fashion. They prefer to receive information in the form of charts, graphs, and videos. Visual learners like to see everything in front of them, so they frequently make outlines, to-do lists, and notes in the text. When it comes to studying for the CPA exam, I recommend Roger CPA Review for visual learners, as his content is extremely engaging.
Learn More About The CPA Exam
- The Ultimate Guide To The Audit Exam
- CPA Salary Guide: How Much Can You Make?
- CPA Exam Sections & Testing Windows
- 43 FAQ's for CPA's
- Top International Destinations to Take the CPA Exam
Auditory Learners learn best through listening (also referred to as verbal learners). People who learn best with their ears remember names and random factoids easily. They are comfortable reading out loud and publicly speaking. Auditory learners are usually excellent musicians or linguists. They perform well in study groups and can explain concepts well. If you prefer to learn through audiobooks or podcasts, you are most likely an auditory learner. The Roger CPA Review is a good fit for auditory learners because the instructor’s voice is energetic and lively, making it easy to engage in his lectures. I would also recommend Gleim CPA Review because of its exceptional audio review course that lets you listen to lectures at a convenient time for you.
Get The Best Discounts On Your CPA Review Course!

Extended Sale – Enjoy $1,331 Off Becker CPA Pro+

Extended Sale – Take $1,330 Off Becker CPA Pro

Enjoy $1,050 Off Gleim CPA Premium Pro Course
If you learn through participation, you are an experience learner (also known as kinesthetic learners). These learners like to be hands-on with their studies and learn best with quizzes and games. These learners struggle with spelling and like to take frequent breaks. Experience learners love to participate in class and can successfully study with loud music playing. They also enjoy sports, building things, and adventures. For the experience learners out there taking the CPA exam, I suggest using Wiley CPA or Gleim CPA Review as your CPA test prep course.
Now that you know what type of learner you are, compare all of the best CPA exam prep courses and find the best fit for your learning style, budget, and other needs.