43 FAQs About CPAs
Got a burning question about the CPA exam or Certified Public Accountants? Find the answer to over 40 of the most frequently asked CPA questions here!
Got a burning question about the CPA exam or Certified Public Accountants? Find the answer to over 40 of the most frequently asked CPA questions here!
The CIA exam is not one to be taken lightly. If you’re a student who meets the minimum requirements for taking it, it’s likely to be like no other test you’ve ever taken in your educational career. With an intimidatingly low pass rate of around 40%, the possibility of failure is very real.
A CPA Exam Study Schedule is Essential for Success When I finally decided to take the CPA Exam, I had no idea where to begin. I asked tons of my colleagues and received plenty of advice ranging from where to study to what to use: even what type of lighting was most conducive to learning! At [...]
Learn everything you need to know about NASBA and what you will need in order to register and pass the CPA exam with them!
When breaking down both of these CMA courses, you’ll definitely notice some similarities between them. However, there are also some finer details that differentiate these courses that can result in different experiences.
When discussing strategies and insights for the CPA exam, each individual has their own unique experience. As you have most likely learned during college and while preparing for the CPA exam, time management is critical, both in regards to testing windows and in other aspects of life. Hence, if you don't know the best strategy [...]
There are more accounting certifications to choose from than just the CPA and CFA, let us help you decide which one is right for you!
Why would you want to become a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)? It requires years of hard work experience and an intimidating certification exam.
In a word, yes, you should begin to study. And yes, the Certified Public Accountant Exam is changing, but that’s not a reason to put off studying. If you want to become a CPA, stop procrastinating and start today. The CPA Exam went through some pretty significant changes. One of those changes won’t be immediately [...]
Getting your CPA is a race, not a sprint. Don't get caught at the finish line with the hardest section left with no energy left to finish!
So you’re going for your Certified Internal Auditor title, the highest designation offered by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
The CPA Exam Simulations are notoriously difficult for every section. There’s plenty of myths out there concerning these simulation questions. This is especially true with regard to which section features the most difficult versions. In reality, the most difficult sims are the ones you don’t prepare for enough. And whichever section is your weakest section, [...]
Find out about each of the four individual sections of the CPA exam including what is covered on each test and what dates you can take them on.
You’re coming up on the final days of studying and it’s almost time to sit for the real deal. After sending IMA the required fees and spending months studying with a test prep review course, are you ready to take on the CMA Exam?
Whether you barely passed the CPA exam or got the highest score possible, your score still proved that you have the required understanding needed to be awarded the title of CPA. It's also important to remember that your score does not determine how good of a certified public accountant you will be. So is [...]
Cryptocurrency Is Becoming More And More Mainstream. The IRS Is Taking Note — And So Should CPAs When you hear about bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market, the headlines often concern the price. Either crypto is skyrocketing, making millionaires overnight — or it’s dying. But behind the scenes, crypto job and industry growth continues upwards at [...]
Do you like keeping track of a company’s income and expenses AND holding a position of authority with significant responsibility?
We know it's tough shopping for a CPA course, there are SO MANY factors to consider. Fortunately for you we've consolidated it down into 10 easy questions that will help you decide which program is best for your needs and wants.